by Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children:
In case you missed it, hundreds of early learning advocates rallied at the state Capitol on Tuesday as part of Early Childhood Action Day. Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children was proud to be among those speaking up for stronger investments in our youngest learners.
Action day participants included members of two statewide, non-partisan coalitions that PPC helped found.
The Pre-K for PA coalition launched in January with 10 founding organizations and has grown in just four months to include 340 supporting organizations and more than 5,500 individual supporters. The campaign has a presence in every corner of the commonwealth as it works to ensure every 3- and 4-year-old in Pennsylvania has access to high-quality pre-k.
PPC also is a founding partner of the new Early Learning PA coalition, which formally launched as part of the action day activities. The campaign is advocating for a comprehensive early childhood system that ensures that Pennsylvania’s children, particularly its most vulnerable, have access to the education and support they need to enter school ready to learn.
We’re committed to these campaigns and their goals because we know our children only get one chance to benefit from quality early learning programs – and it’s a chance we can’t afford to squander. Study after study shows the long-term benefits of high-quality early learning opportunities, from increased high school graduation rates to lower crime rates to a stronger Pennsylvania overall.
If you haven’t already done so, we invite you to join these campaigns and help us elevate the public policy discussion about early learning and its importance to our kids and our commonwealth. If you’ve already joined, please share this message with others and ask them to lend their voices, too.