Media Advisory: City Councilwoman Natalia Rukiak Reads Holiday Stories to Pre-K Kids
WHAT: Holiday stories with Councilwoman Natalia Rudiak
WHO: Councilwoman Natalia Rudiak will read holiday stories to 3 & 4 year olds at the Small World Early Learning Center in downtown Pittsburgh. Earlier this month, Rudiak, along with other members of City Council’s Woman’s Caucus, introduced and preliminarily passed an amendment to the 2015 Capital Budget to create a fund for improving child care facilities in Pittsburgh. The bill reappropriates $250,000 to a new “Council Facilities Fund” under the Mayor’s Bureau of Neighborhood Empowerment. The funds will be used to seed a low-interest loan and/or grant program to help child care providers install certain safety features and amenities required for facilities to be considered high quality by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
WHEN: Tuesday 11:30 am, December 23, 2014
WHERE: Small World Early Learning Center, 960 Penn Avenue, 2nd Floor
ABOUT PRE-K FOR PA: Pre-K for PA is a growing statewide coalition that includes more than 1,000 supporters and 100 supporting organizations to date. The coalition is led by: the Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children; the Economy League of Greater Philadelphia; Fight Crime: Invest in Kids; Mission: Readiness; Pennsylvania Association for the Education of Young Children; Pennsylvania Head Start Association; Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children; Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children; Public Citizens for Children and Youth; and United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. Find more information online at