See Letters of Support from previous budget cycles

Leaders of PA’s Law Enforcement Associations Send Letter to Lawmakers

Leaders of Pennsylvania’s law enforcement associations sent a letter to lawmakers urging them to grow funding for high-quality pre-k by $75 million to serve an additional 8,400 at-risk three- and four-year-olds next school year.

Members of Mission: Readiness Urge PA Legislature to Follow Military’s Lead on Pre-k

In the interest of fostering the human capital that ensures future military readiness, members of Mission: Readiness sent a letter to the legislature asking that Pennsylvania’s policy makers follow the military’s lead and enact a multi-year funding plan that better ensures voluntarily access to high-quality pre-k for all of the commonwealth’s 3- and 4-year-olds.

ReadyNation Members Send Pre-k Support Letter to the General Assembly

Members of ReadyNation sent a letter requesting that the General Assembly continues to include Pennsylvania’s youngest learners at the top of their state budgetary priorities as we enter final budget negotiations for the 2017-18 Fiscal Year.

Pre-K for PA Leadership Council Sends Letter to Legislature

Members of Pre-K for PA’s Leadership Council sent a letter to the legislature asking them to expand state-funded pre-k opportunities to an additional 8,400 eligible children by supporting the proposed $75 million increase in new pre-k funding in the final 2017-18 state budget.

Pre-K for PA’s Leadership Council Sends Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee

The Leadership Council guess members to position Pennsylvania to provide access to Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts and Head Start Supplemental Assistance for all eligible children and begin to address middle-class pre-k affordability concerns by 2022.

The PA Senate Democratic Caucus expresses their support for pre-k

Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus urged Governor Wolf to position Pennsylvania to provide access to Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts and Head Start State Supplemental Assistance for all eligible children and begin to address middle-class pre-k affordability concerns by 2022.

Chamber of Commerce Executives request Gov. Wolf to prioritize our youngest learners

Executives from Chambers of Commerce across the state have written a letter respectfully requesting that Governor Wolf continues to keep Pennsylvania’s youngest learners at the forefront of his gubernatorial agenda.

Mission: Readiness members support targeted investments for young Americans

In the interest of fostering the human capital that ensures future military readiness, they respectfully asked Pennsylvania’s policy makers to follow the military’s lead and enact a multi-year funding plan that better ensures voluntary access to high-quality pre-k for all of the commonwealth’s 3- and 4-year-olds.

Members of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids ask for prioritization of early learning investments

Police chiefs, sheriffs, district attorneys and other members of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids asked Governor Wolf to prioritize high-quality early learning investments for Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable families.

PA House Democrats urge Governor Wolf to prioritize pre-k

Members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Democratic Caucus urged Governor Wolf to expand state-funded pre-k opportunities to an additional 10,000 eligible children by including $85 million in new pre-k funding in the 2017-18 budget proposal.


Local United Ways across PA Urge Support for Pre-k

United Way of Pennsylvania and local United Ways across the commonwealth joined together to sign a letter to the legislature urging them to support an increased investment in high-quality pre-k.


Pre-K for PA’s Leadership Council Thanks Governor Wolf for Commitment to High-Quality Pre-k

Looking ahead to the 2017-18 state budget proposal, the Leadership Council urges a greater state investment in high-quality pre-k.


Leaders Across PA Call on Legislature to Fund Pre-k

Former Governors Edward G. Rendell and Mark S. Schweiker led a group of influential business, civic, military and law enforcement leaders from across the state in signing a letter to legislative leaders in support of continued investment in pre-k.


Pre-K for PA Supporting Organizations: Please support increased investments in high-quality pre-k

Nearly 200 of Pre-K for PA’s supporting organizations have called on legislators in Harrisburg to step up its efforts to fund high-quality pre-k so we can reach those children who are missing out, particularly those at risk of academic failure.


Law Enforcement Across PA Ask General Assembly to Prioritize Early Learning

Pennsylvania police chiefs, sheriffs and district attorneys who are members of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids strongly asks the General Assembly to prioritize high-quality early learning and home visiting/parent coaching investments for PA’s most vulnerable families.


Mission: Readiness – Military Leaders for Kids Urges Legislature to Invest in High-quality Pre-k

The generals and admirals of Mission: Readiness – Military Leaders for Kids urge support in investing an additional $90 million in the FY 2016-17 state budget for the Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts and Head Start Supplemental Assistance Programs.

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Pre-K for PA’s work is possible only through generous contributions from the 1675 Foundation, The Donley Foundation, GE Employees Community Service Fund, The Heinz Endowments, The Lenfest Foundation, The Philadelphia Foundation, Samuel S. Fels Fund, and William Penn Foundation.
Pre-K for PA
1709 Ben Franklin Parkway
6th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103